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‼️These days there is a meeting of the IMO First proposals:

28 January 2025 51

✅Another Emission Control Area for Ships in the Arctic

✅EU members and the United Kingdom have submitted a proposal to the IMO to introduce a new Sulphur Oxide Emission Control Area (SECA) and Nitrogen Oxide Emission Control Area (NECA) in the North Atlantic.

✅The area covers the exclusive economic zones of Spain, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland and Denmark (Greenland).

The purple areas in the picture are the existing emission control areas in the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, the United States and eastern Canada. The green areas are the two areas in the Canadian Arctic and the Norwegian Sea to be introduced in 2026. Accordingly, the new area connects with the existing ones and completely covers the North Atlantic, as well as the main shipping routes along the coasts of France and Spain.

✅The new areas are expected to be put into effect in 2027, for which the corresponding amendments to MARPOL must be adopted this year, and procedurally this is quite realistic.


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